Hello, I'm Robin! Being a consistent reader of TG and sissy captions, I thought I'd contribute to the communities, which provided many great stories through the years. My posts will vary on topic, but they will always contain sissy, forced feminization, body swapping, and varying TG topics. I post every week. If you like what you see, give my blog a follow and comment because feedback is appreciated. I hope you enjoy. Etc. 18 - 07 - 2020
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Friday, August 21, 2020
Wednesday, August 19, 2020
Friday, August 14, 2020
Wednesday, August 12, 2020
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Thank you for 1000 views!
25 days since I started Robin's TG Captions, and I've reached 1,000 views! I appreciate the viewership and support so far. I look forward to producing more captions for your enjoyment in the future! Thank you again, and if you like what you see, give my blog a follow and leave feedback. Please and thank you.
Monday, August 10, 2020
Friday, August 7, 2020
Language barrier clarification
It was brought to my attention recently that my American readers are getting confused with my wording. I'd like to clarify that I was born and raised in England for years before moving to America, so my English is a mixture of American and British. During specific captions, when the word "knickers" is used, I am referring to that article of clothing as panties. Knickers are a commonly used substitute word for panties from where I lived, so I am sorry that the wordage may confuse you. Other words I use would be bum, for butt, which I do substitute out consistently depending on when I'm writing my stories. I thought I would take a moment to clarify my wordage for those reading my captions.
If you do like what you see, please give me a follow her on the blog and provide feedback. All feedback is welcomed, as it allows me to improve so that I can enhance caption experience for both of us. I hope you all enjoy the rest of your day.
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Monday, August 3, 2020
The Sleepover Thief II
Dalton slept on and off that night. Between the knickers slowly giving him an uncomfortable wedgie to the roughness of the clothing pile, he did not sleep well. When Dalton saw the light creeping in, he made his final grunts and attempts at getting free. All he achieved was creating cuff burns on his wrists, and accidentally soiling himself. He froze for a moment as the cold liquid stuck to his skin and the panties. That was not going to be good. The worry that he’d get mocked more made Dalton struggle more in his bounds, accidentally banging on the wall. The bang stopped his movements, as his sister sat up in bed and looked around.
A few moments of silence later,
she swung out of bed and left the room. April and Patsy were still asleep, as
Dalton leaned his head against the door and gently banged his head against it.
The rattle of the slats was low enough not to wake the girls, but Carrie did
lock the door. For what seemed like hours, Dalton laid there, watching the
girls sleep. Vengeance swirled in his mind as he stared at his captors, wondering
what they’d do to him, what he wanted to do back to them as revenge.
Carrie reentered the room,
flicking the light on and shaking awake the girls. She whispered something to
each girl that gave them each a grin as they sat up, and their attention turned
to the closet. Unlocking it, the girls loomed over Dalton, who stared back,
terrified at the tall women.
“Morning, sleepyhead.” Carrie
greeted, flopping her brother onto his back. Dalton groaned into his gag, the
sock weighing more now as the saliva weighed it down. “Mom and dad are out for
the day, so you’ll be with us all day.”
Dalton swore under his breath as
April, dragged him out of the closet and laid him down on the open floor.
“What’s that?” Patsy asked, pointing
at Dalton’s crotch.
“No way,” April cringed, turning
away. “Did he?”
Carrie shook her head. “I’m
starting to think you’re enjoying this Dalton, or should I say, Dolly?”
The girls stood in disgust,
expecting something from Dalton, but they were only met with silence.
“Well, we gotta clean a girl up.”
Carrie reasoned, and with the assistance of April, they dragged Dalton to the
bathroom. Once inside the girls, locked the door, and April ripped off the
tape. Gasping for air, Dalton spit out the heavy sock on the floor, along with spitting
out the horrid taste that sat in his mouth for hours.
“He can have those now,” April
said, gagging. “I ain’t want no boy germs near my vagina.”
Carrie removed the knickers, and
the smell confirmed what they were all thinking. Once off, Carrie lifted Dalton’s
head and put the knickers on his face. He screamed and jerked around, but she
held the stained cotton to his face, forcing him to breath in his mess.
“Patsy, would you help April with
shaving him, please,” Carrie asked, pressing the soiled pair further into
Dalton’s face. The soiled smell and the laundry soap mixed, produced a sweet
scent that Dalton was starting to like.
Together, April and Patsy slowly
shaved Dalton, till he had no hair left. Dalton screamed and begged for them to
stop, but after being told to shut up numerous times, the soiled knickers were
shoved into his mouth, and the new tape was placed over his mouth.
When they were done, they stood
Dalton up and forced him to stare at his nude self. His leg hair, arm hair, and
facial hair were all gone. He looked nothing like a man now, and after last
night he feared he never would again.
“Can we play dress-up?” Patsy
asked, and the girls smiled.
“Why not?” Carrie agreed, and
they dragged Dalton back to her room.
Placing the half-nude boy in her
chair, Carrie went to her underwear drawer and withdrew a pair of high-cut black
lace knickers and a black bra. She walked over to her brother and undid the
handcuffs, but Dalton too afraid to move stayed put.
“Put these on.” She demanded,
tossing him the matching set. Dalton hesitated as the girls stared at him.
“Come on!” April shouted impatiently.
He took a deep breath as he
wrapped the bra around his chest and clicked the clasps together. Slowly he
lifted the bra to his chest and slid his thin arms under the bra straps. Once
it was up, he gave the girls a nervous smile, as they giggled more at his appearance.
“Try these on now,” Carrie said,
tossing Dalton some gray knitted leg warmers. Sheepishly he slipped them each
on and stood back up, feeling embarrassed in his current get-up.
“Can he put on heels too?” Patsy
asked, and Carrie fished out some black high heels. Dalton sat down and, with
the assistance of Carrie, squeezed his feet into her small heels. She helped
him up as the girls applauded, his swaying.
All he could do was smile and pose, adjusting his leg just enough so no one could see a bulge. He wanted to cry but didn’t want to ruin the makeup. He was becoming their sissy pet. Feminized, humiliated, and forced. All for a stupid game. But, secretly he was enjoying the attention and the posing. But, he'd never tell his sister that.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
The Sleepover Thief
~ ~ ~
Dalton listened intently against
the drywall for the giggles and talking to cease coming from his sister’s room.
Tonight, she had some of her friends over for a sleepover, and Dalton wanted to
continue his tradition. Every time Carrie has her friends over, he sneaks into
their room and steals something from one of the guests. What he steals ranges
from clothing to make-up and magazines to accessories. What started as a little
game to see how long it would take till he got caught, turned into a full-blown
addiction and game for the teenager. As the minute hand ticked closer to one in
the morning, the laughter still emulated from her room. He was getting tired of
listening to the feminine conversations and just wanted to sneak in to grab his
Dalton would wait for two more
hours, till the girls quieted. He paused to ensure they didn’t have a low
moment, which would result in then getting slightly louder in the coming minutes.
Creeping out of his room, he squatted down to see under her door. The lights were
out, and nothing illuminated from underneath. Smiling, he got up and tip-toed
over to Carrie’s door, placing his ear against the wood. Dalton held his breath
as he listened attentively for any noise at all. No sound could be heard, and
with a shaking right hand, he places it on the doorknob, gripping it tightly.
Slowly turning the knob, pulling
the door toward him, he waited till the knob would go no further. Once it hit
the point of no return, he slowly pushed it open, at first just ajar, to ensure
none of Carrie’s friends were against the door. He peered in, his eyes slowly
adjusting to the darkness within, only seeing shapes from the dim light the
alarm clock provided. He turned his attention to the floor to see if
anything/one was there. No figures could be made out, so he opened the door,
just enough for him to slip in, as he knelt to the ground.
Once he reached the backpack, he
squatted down and felt around for the zipper puller. Finding and grasping it,
he slowly pulled it up, a mumble of a zipping sound filling the quiet room. He froze
again, before continuing, stopping when the bag was half open. Right as he put
his hand in the bag, a light shined on him, catching Dalton in the act.
“Dalton?” his sister asked,
groggy. He sat there frozen, afraid to answer. He could bolt for the door and
take a risk. She did sound asleep, so playing it off as a figment of her
imagination would be possible. Caught weighing his thoughts, the room’s light
turned on, and Dalton’s face drained of colour. “Fuck.”
“What are you doing in Patsy’s
bag?” April asked, and slowly Dalton turned around. April stood at the door,
her hand still on the light switch, Patsy laid sat up, horrified a boy was
rummaging through her bag, and Carrie staring confused at his actions.
“Um…” he stammered out, thinking
of an excuse.
“I think we caught our sleepover
thief,” Carrie announced, crossing her arms.
“Look, I can explain,” Dalton said,
terrified. “It’s all a misunderstanding.”
“Yeah, looks like that,” Carrie
dismissed, reaching under her bed. “Explain why your hands were caught in Patsy’s
bag then.”
The room became quiet as April
stood over him, intimating the smaller Dalton. Patsy’s stare of pure confusion
remained on her face, as Dalton’s eyes darted around.
“Um…” he stammered out. What
would his excuse be? I steal your things as a game. That wouldn’t work, because
then I’d sound like a perv.
“Anytime.” Carrie pressured,
standing up, with her hands behind her back. No sound came from Dalton’s
gasping mouth.
“What are we going to do with him?”
April asked, staring daggers at Dalton.
“Well, telling our parents would
be an option,” Carrie admitted. “Though he was caught in Patsy’s bag, so she
should make the call.”
The attention and eyesight turned
to Patsy, who pushed the blanket off. Her looks of confusion, erased and
replaced with anger. “Since he wants to go through my clothes, I saw we dress
him up like a girl!”
The girls giggled, and April high-fived
her. “I like that idea, Cee.”
“No…” Dalton plead. “Anything
April grabbed the defenseless boy,
pushing him to the ground and putting her hand over his mouth. Carrie walked
over and put Dalton’s arms behind his back and slid cool, metal cuffs around
his wrists. “Her wish is our command,” Carrie whispered into his ears, Dalton’s
eyes becoming wider than saucers.
Dalton wiggled and pleaded into
April’s hand, her grasp getting tighter, making his pleas for mercy no more
than squeals. The sound of opening and closing drawers followed a few moments
of silence, till he was rotated over onto his back. April’s hand still on his
face, as Patsy stood over him with a pair of socks in her hand and Carrie, next
to her, with outstretched duct tape.
In a swift moment, April released
her hand, Patsy shoved the socks into Dalton’s mouth, and Carrie taped it shut.
Dalton was now bound and gagged and at the mercy of the girls in the room.
“Now what?” April asked, wiping
her hand on her shirt.
“Let’s put him in some sleeping
attire,” Carrie suggested as she opened the closet door, pulling out a pair of white
short-shorts and a pink tee-shirt.
The girls smiled as April went to
her bag and grabbed a pair of light blue undergarments.
“Time to change then,” Carrie
smirked as she started by pulling down Dalton’s pants. He screamed into his gag
but to no avail. One motion later, his lower half was exposed to the girls, who
pointed and laughed at him.
“I’ve seen a few dicks before,
and that is just embarrassing.” April mocked, in between laughter.
Dalton kept screaming and begging
into his gag. He was begging so hard; tears rolled down his face. His tears
were met with crude laughter and comments as the girls took off his shirt and
put him in a bra and the pink shirt. Placing him back on the ground, Carrie gave
her brother’s butt a little smack as he wiggled around, trying to get free.
“I think that’s it for tonight,
girls,” Carrie said, receiving high-fives from her friends. “We’ll have all day
tomorrow to play with our new girlfriend.”
Carrie smiled down at her cross-dressing
brother. They were going to have fun, embarrassing him tomorrow. April carried
him into the closet, placing him on top of a clothes pile. Carrie came behind
her and, with a sinister smile, closed and locked the closet door. The lights
turned off, and the room once again fell silent.
Dalton could creep out, but
cuffed would make it difficult. He could bang on the walls to alert his parents,
but having to explain why he was in this predicament in the first place would
surely warrant more punishment. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes.
Hopefully, tomorrow won’t be too bad.